We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Remember the reward of every good action will be good only.
I feel very honoured and privileged to write a message on this platform for all my readers. Higher education is witnessing a paradigm shift in India. Digitalisation, Virtualisation, Mobilisation and Personalisation are the four megatrends. We need to ready our students in tandem with these trends. I believe education is the most powerful tool that can change the world.
Somlalit Institute of Business Administration (SLIBA), affiliated to the Gujarat University, is one of the oldest established BBA institutes in the region. We are putting all active efforts to develop our students for all the changes and shifts that the world is undergoing. In our students, we are developing managers and entrepreneurs for tomorrow through the following:
- Transfer of thorough academic knowledge
- Building ethics and values
- Developing research acumen
- Networking with the industry through industrial visits and guest sessions
- Activities in art, dramatics, music, sports, days’ celebrations
Because of the diligent efforts of the Somlalit BBA team to impart multi-level knowledge and train students for life skills and the willingness of our students to seek knowledge and learn, all of this always becomes possible. As the BBA course changes from six to eight semesters under the NEP, 2020 guidelines, we are ready to provide new leverage to our students.
My best wishes to the faculty members and all my dear students.
Dr. Deepal Joshi,
Director, SLIBA